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CanSkate Program Information


CanSkate is Skate Canada's flagship learn-to-skate program for beginners of all ages. CanSkate is a learn-to-skate program that teaches fundamental movements and basic skills by focusing on fun, participation and basic skill development.  

Whether your focus is figure skating, hockey, speed skating or recreational skating, CanSkate can help with improving your basic skills.  

CanSkate is taught by NCCP-trained professional coaches, assisted by trained program assistants. 

CanSkate is action, movement, and fun! 

Lessons are given in a group format with a coach-to-student ratio of a maximum 1:10. 

Skaters progress at their own rate and coaches make sessions active using teaching aids, upbeat music and a wide variety of activities that create a motivational environment and promote learning. 

Badges, ribbons and other incentives are used to benchmark skaters’ progress and reward effort and participation.

MFSC divides the CanSkate program into two categories:

Preschool Skate: For skaters who are 4 years old.  This program is also for skaters who are 5 years old with no or very limited previous skating experience (can not stand or move forward on skates)

CanSkate:  For skaters who are 5 years old with previous skating experience (able to stand and move forward on skates) AND skaters between the ages of 6 - 17 years old.

Interested in joining Preschool Skate and CanSkate this regular season? Click Here

Need Funding Assistance? Click Here


What to expect on the first day of CanSkate?


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